Hockey cooked with hot humid Weather

March 19, 2012

 Global warming is the cause for dramatic change in weather patterns across the Pacific Ocean. El Nino effects have been with the Pacific islands for some time and this means more torrid hot and humid weather conditions for the forthcoming hockey season in Fiji.

Threats of tropical cyclones and unpredictable rainfall will  no doubt affect grass playing surfaces in the Western division of  Fiji.  Lautoka Hockey and other Associations in Nadi and Ba may have to consider combining  into a common  Western Hockey League under floodlights  just to escape the afternoon heat. Lautoka City Council and Ministry of Sports should offer some  considerations  and assistance  for our bidding hockey players which includes youths and kids.

This may require a radical re-think where majority of club hockey matches are played under lights in the evenings rather than in hot afternoons. For this transition to occur the local councils of Nadi, Lautoka and Ba and respective  local business community of the West  may be able to sponsor such a league. From a health and safety standpoint this evening shift will enable junior hockey to flourish in Lautoka and other western districts– all to the future benefit of Fiji Hockey.

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